

Top ten energy saving tips

Energy saving tips

Here some of the energy saving tips are given. This will include residential as well as industrial energy saving. The residential energy saving is done by using LED bulb, clean bulb, use of natural sun light, purchase 5 BEE appliances, energy saving in AC and refrigerators. Some of the tips for energy saving in the Industries are also given.

Energy saving tips at home

  • An easy way to save energy is to cut down on unnecessary lighting. Please "Turn off" all lights when not in use.
  • Replace bulb with LED bulb or tube light as it saves about 75% of electricity for same lighting levels.
  • Dirty tube lights and bulbs can absorb 50 percent of the light; clean your tube lights and lamps regularly.
  • Focus lights on your task instead of high wattage lamps for the entire room.
  • Use natural sunlight wherever possible.
  • Purchase 5-star BEE certified appliances.
  • Seal windows and doors properly before turning on AC. Set the temperature of AC at 25C for good comfort and save electricity.
  • Do not keep hot food items in the fridge and also minimize the opening of the fridge door.
  • Use energy efficient motors and pump sets for lifting water.
  • TV and other electronic items continue to consume power when switched OFF from remote. Thus, make sure that these items are switched OFF from the source.
  • Reducing temperature of water heater from 60 C to 50 C will help in saving 18 percent of the energy used at the higher setting.

Energy saving tips, energy saving in industries, energy saving at home, energy saving in ac, energy saving in refrigerator, energy saving ideas

Energy saving tips in Industries

  • Use Capacitor Banks to reduce demand and improve power factor.
  • Use maximum demand controllers.
  • Use fibre ceilings to use sunlight as far as possible and minimize use of lamps.
  • Use metal halides instead of Sodium Vapour lamps for outdoor lighting.
  • Lubricate all bearings to minimize wastage of power.
  • Use Energy efficient motors.
  • Carry out Energy audit of your units and follow the recommendations as per the cost benefit analysis.

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