

Electricity Consumer Metering Rules 2020 | Replacement | Burn | Stolen | Billing cycles

Electricity Consumer Metering Rules 2020

In this post, electricity consumer metering rules 2020 is explained here. The rules are regarding new connection as well as existing connection of meters is given. The rules are given for

  • New and Existing connection
  • Metering
  • Billing and payment
  • Method of payment of bills
  • Advance payment of bills
  • Disconnection and reconnection
  • Reliability of supply
  • Consumer as prosumer
  • Standards of performance
  • Compensation mechanism
  • Call center for customer services
  • Grievance redressal mechanism 

Electricity Consumer metering rules

No connection shall be given without a meter and such meter shall be the smart pre-payment meter or pre-payment meter.

New meter connection

At the time of seeking a new connection the consumer shall have the option to - (a) purchase the meter, MCB or CB and associated equipment himself or require that the meter, MCB or CB and associated equipment be supplied by the distribution licensee, on payment of applicable charges.

Tested & Sealed meter

The distribution licensee shall ensure that tested and sealed meters of approved meter manufacturers are available to consumers for purchase and information of the places from where the consumers can purchase them is made available on its website.

Meter billing cycle

The meter shall be read at least once in every billing cycle in urban as well as rural areas by an authorized representative of the distribution licensee.

The meters shall be read remotely at least once in every month and in case of other pre-payment and smart meters, the meters shall be read by an authorized representative of the distribution licensee at least once in every three months.

Consumer energy consumption data rules

The data regarding energy consumption shall be made available to the consumer, through website or mobile App or SMS etc.

Consumers having smart pre-payment meters may also be given the data access for checking their consumption on real time basis.

For post payment meters, if the meter is inaccessible to the meter reader on two consecutive meter reading dates, the consumer shall have the option to send the picture of the meter indicating the meter reading and date of meter reading through registered mobile or through e-mail. In such a case, distribution licensee may not send any notice or provisional bill to the consumer

Meter burn, seal break, damage rules

If the consumer makes complains regarding meter readings not being commensurate with his consumption of electricity, stoppage of meter, damage to the seal, burning or damage of the meter etc., testing of meters shall be done by the distribution licensee within a period as may be specified by the Commission, not exceeding 30 days, of receipt of the complaint from the consumer.

Defective meter fee rules

No test fee shall be charged from the consumer at the time of reporting if the meter is found to be defective or burnt due to reasons attributable to the consumer, the consumer shall bear the cost of new meter and test fee shall be charged from the consumer through subsequent bills.

The distribution licensee shall give a copy of the meter test report to the consumer duly signed by both the distribution licensee or their authorized representatives and the consumer, and retain one such copy as acknowledgment.

If the meter is found to be inaccurate, the excess or deficit charges shall be adjusted in the subsequent bills as specified by the Commission.

Meter testing rules

If a consumer disputes the results of testing, the meter shall be tested at a third-party testing facility selected by the consumer from the list of third-party testing agencies approved by the Commission.  If it is successfully established that the results of this test are contrary to the results of the test performed by the distribution licensee, then the cost of undertaking such test shall be borne by the distribution licensee. However, in case it is established that the results of this test are same as the results of the test performed by the distribution licensee in sub-rule (7), then the cost of undertaking such test shall be borne by the Consumer.

The list of third-party agencies approved by the Commission shall be available in their various offices as well as on the website of the distribution licensee.

Replacement of defective or burnt or stolen meters rules

Either on consumer’s complaint or upon inspection by the distribution licensee, if the meter is prima facie found to be defective or burnt or stolen not due to causes attributable to the consumer, the licensee shall restore supply through a new meter at its own cost within the timelines as specified by the Commission.

If, after investigation, it is found that the meter has become defective or burnt or stolen due to causes attributable to the consumer, the necessary charges shall be recovered from the consumer as specified by the Commission, within a time, to be specified by the Commission not exceeding 24 hours in urban areas and 72 hours in rural areas by the distribution licensee.

Non-availability of meter shall not be a reason for delay in restoration of supply.

Meter installation rules

If the meter is installed outside the consumer’s premises, distribution licensee shall be responsible for safe custody of the meter, and if the same is installed within the consumer’s premises, the consumer shall be responsible for the safe custody of meter.

Indian Electricity Consumer Rules 2020

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