

Wind Solar Hybrid Policy in India

Wind Solar Hybrid Policy, 2018

In this post, wind solar hybrid policy of India is given. India has set up target of 175 GW of installed capacity from renewable energy by 2022 in which includes 100 GW of solar and 60 GW of wind power capacity. India’s total renewable power installed capacity was 70 GW at the end of 2017-18.

Aim of Policy

  • The main aim of policy is to encourage new technologies, methods and involves combined operation of wind and solar PV plants. 
  • It also provides a framework for promotion of large grid connected wind solar PV hybrid system for optimal and efficient utilization of transmission infrastructure and land, reducing fluctuates in renewable power generation and provides stability.
  • There are large areas where both wind and solar have high to moderate potential
  • The existing wind farms have scope of adding solar PV capacity as well as wind potential in the vicinity of existing solar PV plant

Wind Solar Hybrid Policy Systems

  • Wind turbine generators (WTGs) and solar PV systems will be configurated to operate at the same point of grid connection. 
  • In case of fixed speed wind turbines connected to grid using an induction generator, the integration can be on the HT side at the AC output bus. Similarly, in the case of variable speed wind turbines, inverters used for connecting generator to the grid, the wind and solar PV system can be connected to intermediate DC bus of the AC – DC – AC converter.
  • The second important aspect is related to sizing – in which benefits of hybrid plant in terms of optimal and efficient utilization of transmission line structure and better stability by reducing fluctuates power generation, in the location where wind power density is good and size of solar PVs capacity to be added in the solar – wind hybrid could be very smaller.
  • However, a wind solar plant is recognized as hybrid plant if the rated capacity of the one plant is at least 25% of the rated power capacity of the resource.

Implementation Strategy of Wind Solar Hybrid Policy

The implementation of wind solar hybrid system depends upon different configuration and they are discussed here.

Wind Solar Hybrid – AC Integration

  • In this system, AC output of the wind and solar is integrated either at the LT side or at HT side. 
  • Each system uses separate step-up transformer and HT output of the both the system is connected to the common AC bus bar if the integration is done at HT side. 
  • Suitable control equipment are used for controlling power output of hybrid system.

Wind Solar Hybrid – DC Integration

  • DC integration is possible in case of variable speed wind turbines using converter – inverter. 
  • In this configuration, wind and solar PV plant both are connected to common DC bus and common inverter for suitable AC output to convert DC power into AC power

New Wind Solar Hybrid Plant

The following provisions are applicable for new wind solar hybrid power plant.

It may be used for

  • Captive purpose
  • Sale to third party though open access
  • Sale to distribution company
  • Either, tariff is determined through SERC or through transparent bidding process
  • Sale to distribution companies at APPC under REC mechanism
  • Hybridization of Existing Wind Solar PV Plants
  • Existing wind or solar power projects willing to install solar PV plant to avail benefits of hybrid project may be allowed to do so in the following conditions
  • No additional connectivity / transmission capacity charges shall be levied by the respective transmission entity for hybridization at existing wind solar PV plants if already granted transmission line is being used. Transmission charges may be applicable for additional transmission capacity as per regulation
  • In case capacity margins are available at the receiving transmission, additional transmission capacity may be allowed subject to technical feasibility.
  • In case of AC integration assessment of solar and wind power injected from the hybrid power project to the grid will be working out by sharing the reading of main meter installed at the receiving station on the basis of readings of ABT ( Available based tariff ) meters installed on LT or HT side.
  • In case of DC integration assessment of solar and wind power injected from the hybrid power project to the grid will be working out by sharing the reading of main meter installed at the receiving station on the basis of readings of DC meters installed at the DC output of the wind and solar PV plant. The methodology of DC metering of hybrid systems, standards and regulations are framed for DC meters, only AC integration will be permitted.

Wind solar hybrid policy, Wind solar hybrid policy in India, Wind solar hybrid policy 2018, Wind Solar Hybrid – DC Integration, Wind Solar Hybrid – AC Integration, national wind solar hybrid policy

Battery storage

  • It may be added to the hybrid project
  • To reduce variability of power output from wind solar hybrid plant
  • Proving higher energy output for given capacity at the load point
  • Ensure availability of firm power for particular period

Incentives of Wind Solar Hybrid Policy

  • The government will encouragement for wind solar hybrid project through different schemes and programmes. 
  • All the fiscal and financial incentives available to wind and solar power projects will be also available for hybrid projects

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