

DDUGJY in Electrical ! Agricultural Separate Feeder


Full form of DDUGJY



  • The agricultural load and non-agricultural load are carried through common distribution network. 
  • The availability of power supply in rural areas is inadequate and not reliable in many parts of the country. 
  • There is necessary for frequent load shedding in the rural areas to fill gap between supply and demand resulting affects power supply to agricultural consumers as well as non-agricultural consumers owing to common distribution network.

Advantages of Separate Agricultural Feeder

  • Separate feeder refers to individual feeder for agricultural consumers and non-agricultural consumers / domestic and non – domestic consumers.
  • Due to this arrangement, the distribution company to regulate power supply to agricultural consumers as and when needed for effective Demand Side Management (DSM). 
  • Separate feeders helps in flattening of the load curve ( almost constant load curve ) by shifting the agricultural load to off-peak hours and thus facilitates peak load management. 
  • The main  objective of separation of feeders is to provide regulated supply to agricultural consumers and continuous power supply to non-agricultural consumers in rural areas.


  • The government of India has launched DDUGJY scheme in particular rural area with following components.
  • Separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders to provide supply to agricultural & non- agricultural consumers in the rural areas
  • Strengthening sub-transmission & distribution (ST&D) infrastructure in rural areas, metering at distribution transformers, feeders and consumer end
  • Earlier, the programme of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) as approved by CCEA is to be submerged into now DDUGJY. The CCEA has already approved the scheme cost of Rs. 39275

Project Formulation

1st stage

  • The utility company will identify need for feeder separation and critical gaps in sub-transmission and distribution network such as AT&C loss, voltage regulation, optimum loading of transformers & feeders / lines, reactive power management, power factor improvement, voltage regulation etc. for efficient management of distribution system.
  • To ensure 24x7 power supply for non-agricultural consumers and adequate power supply for agricultural consumers
  • Utility company shall prepare a Need Assessment Document (NAD) containing all relevant information with justifications and submit proposal for work and cost estimation. 
  • The NAD documents examined by nodal agency and total cost of project of utility company

2nd stage

  • Utility company formulate district/circle/zone wise bankable Detailed Project Reports (DPRs)
  • The Nodal Agency will separately provide comparable costs sourced from CPSUs for major equipment for reference of the utility, these reference rates shall be used as ceiling rates of the sanction project.

Scope of Work

  • Physical separation of HT feeders for Agricultural and non-Agricultural consumers
  • Erection of HT lines for drawing new feeders and reorientation/re-alignment of existing lines
  • Installation of new distribution transformers and augmentation of existing distribution transformers
  • Re-location of distribution transformers and associated LT lines for regrouping of consumers (Agricultural and Non-Agricultural).

Virtual separation of feeders

  • Installation of new distribution transformers and augmentation of existing distribution transformers
  • Re-location of distribution transformers and associated LT lines for regrouping of consumers (Agricultural and Non-Agricultural).
  • Installation of rotary switch and associated hardware at sub-stations

Strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution system 

  • Creation of new sub stations along with associated 66 KV / 33 KV/ 22 KV/ 11 KV lines
  • Augmentation of existing sub-stations capacity by installation of higher capacity/additional power transformer along with associated equipment/ switchgear etc
  • Erection of HT lines for reorientation/re-alignment including augmentation of existing lines Installation of new distribution transformers and augmentation of existing distribution transformers along with associated LT lines
  • Installation of capacitors
  • Renovation and Modernization of existing sub-stations and lines
  • High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS)
  • Arial Bunched Cable for theft prone areas


  • Installation of suitable static meters for feeders, distribution transformers and all categories of consumers for un-metered connections,
  • Replacement of faulty meters & electro-mechanical meters
  • Installation of Pillar Box for relocation of meters outside the premises of consumers including associated service cables and accessories

Works not eligible under the scheme

  • Works already sanctioned under other schemes of Government of India (RGGVY, NEF, R-APDRP etc.) The projects for which any other grant / subsidy from Government of India has already been received / proposed to be received shall not be eligible under this scheme
  • Service lines to APL consumers
  • Under-ground cable works
  • Cost of land for sub-stations
  • Civil works other than sub-stations
  • Compensation towards right of way
  • Distribution automation and IT applications
  • Office equipment / fixtures
  • Spares (other than mandatory spares)
  • Tools and Plants (T&P)
  • Vehicles
  • AMR / AMI, Prepaid meters and Smart Meters
  • Salaries and Establishment Expenditure

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