

Energy Conservation in Air-Conditioner

In this post, methods of energy conservation in air conditioner is given both technically as well as non-technically.

Technical Energy Conservation in Air-Conditioner

  • An inverter type AC adjusts the speed of the compressor to control the refrigerant flow rate therefore it consumes less current and power whereas non – inverter AC starts and stops repeatedly.
  •  The power consumption and current go down when the operation stops but it goes up sharply at the time of restart and therefore it has high average power consumption and temperature variation.
  • The inverter type AC provides quiet and efficient operation.
  • According to study of Bureau of energy efficiency the ( BEE ) 3-star inverter ACs are about 7% more energy efficient than BEE 3 star non – inverter ACs.
  • The swing compressor decreases friction and vibrations. It also prevents leakage of refrigerant gas during compression. This will provide quiet and efficient operation.
  • DC Motor – An inverter equipped with DC motor ( DC Reluctance motor ) offers higher efficient than AC motor. The DC fan motor has higher operational efficiency up to 40% as compared to AC fan motor in the low-speed range.
  • The pulse amplitude control of inverter reduces energy loss.
  • Clean up filters at regular interval
  • If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, replace it with BEE rated inverter AC.
  • The dry air is easier to cool than humid air. Use bathroom exhaust fan to remove humid air.
  • Thermostat setting : The setting of thermostat plays important role in energy saving. When the thermostat setting at higher temperature, ON period is short but OFF period is long. The power consumption of the air conditioner unit depends upon running period compressor and condenser motors. Higher the run / rest period of compressor, more energy consumption.
  • If the capacity of AC is less than required, cooling is not achieved and compressor runs continuously without rest and may be failure.
  • Check the gas pressure if it is low adds gas.
  • Reverse air blow by compressor is done in the condenser and evaporator coils is done by removing any blockage and deposition.

Non-Technical Energy Conservation in Air-Conditioner

  • The internal unit of air conditioner is installed such that it does not obstruct air flow. Any obstruction can reduce air flow and results in less cooling.
  • The external unit is installed such that it has sufficient space on back and top.
  • The sun ray striking and heating the terrace. This may be prevented by fixes mosaic tiles on the terrace and shedding green net at least two feet above terrace which prevent sun ray striking and heating the terrace.
  • The false ceiling made of plaster of parish acts as insulator for heat to enter in the room.
  • When wall is facing west side of the room, it is heated by sun ray in the afternoon. This heat is conducted in the room and increases the loading of the alternator. The outside of the wall is painted with light color glossy paint so sun ray is reflected and heating is minimized.
  • Windows of the room having glass shutter and facing sun light can be covered with sun control film. Double glass ( inside and outside ) shutters will be better because air trapped between glasses.
  • Light colored cotton curtain on window reflects the sun ray.
  • Intermix of hot air of outside cool air of room is avoided. Any leakage from window / door / partition should be sealed to transfer of air.
  • Door and window should be closed while AC is operating.
  • Air curtain or automatic door control can be installed where frequent entry / exit is done.
  • Use of sleep mode with fan in ON condition in the bed room which may cause over cooling of room at late night and save energy. 
  • Doors and windows of car ACs have rubber lining and hermetically sealed.
  • Any hot plate or heater is not used in the air conditioner room.

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