

Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

People think that why we buy two-wheel electric vehicle. Whether there are any long-term financial advantages or not? Here we try to understand advantages of buying electric vehicle by case study. If a person daily travelled 50 km by his conventional petrol two-wheeler, our suggestion to buy EV or two-wheeler electric vehicle. According to Shoonya portal, following are the advantages of buying two wheeler electric vehicle.

Advantages of 2-wheeler Electric Vehicle

Buying EV is financial advantages for you and also helps to achieve in sustainable goals or reduce impact on climate as well as air pollution

  • Saving of 1.6 lakh INR over the vehicle’s lifetime
  • Reduce 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, it is equivalent to growing 99 tree seedlings
  • Reducing 175 gram of PM emission
  • Reducing 2 kg of NOX emissions
Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles
Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Advantages of 3-wheeler Electric Vehicle

  • Saving of 3.2 lakh INR over the vehicle’s lifetime
  • Reduce 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, it is equivalent to growing 98 tree seedlings
  • Reducing 105 gram of PM emission
  • Reducing one kg of NOX emissions

Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Advantages of 4-wheeler Electric Vehicle as compare to 4-wheeler petrol vehicles

  • Saving of 5.2 lakh INR over the vehicle’s lifetime
  • Reduce 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, it is equivalent to growing 191 tree seedlings
  • Reducing 193 gram of PM emission
  • Reducing 39 kg of NOX emissions
Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Compare EV & Petrol Vehicles

Summary: Compare Electric Vehicle and Conventional Fuel Vehicles

  • Here, the comparison of electric vehicle and 2-wheeler petrol, 3-wheeler petrol, 4-wheeler petrol, 4-wheeler diesel and 4-wheeler CNG vehicles is given here for 50 km of daily journey.

Types of vehicles

50 km Daily Journey











INR per km

Rs 2.3

Rs 5.0

Rs 5.5

Rs 5.5

Rs 8.5


INR per km

Rs 0.75

Rs 3.0

Rs 8.9

Rs 9.5

Rs 5.5

Reduce CO2 Emission

6 tonnes

6 tonnes

12 tonnes

15 tonnes

16 tonnes

Growing Tree Seedlings





191 trees

250 trees

267 trees

Reduce PM Emissions

175 grams

193 grams

1286 grams

1715 grams

770 grams

Reduce NOX Emissions

2 kg

39 kg

64 kg

61 kg

67 kg

Saving due to EV

2.7 lakhs

3.2 lakhs

5.2 lakhs

6.9 lakhs

4.8  lakhs


What is shoonya portal?

  • The shoonya campaign is NITI Aayog initiative to raise awareness among people for EV by leading industry player and impact assessment.

EV Saving Tool

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