

Electrical Welding Questions & Answers-1

Important Question in Electrical Welding

In this post, some of important questions of electrical welding is discussed which include meaning of welding, principle of resistance welding, types of resistance welding, advantages and disadvantages of resistance welding, spot welding, advantages and applications of spot welding, seam welding and different types of seam welding.

Meaning of welding

What is meaning of the welding?


  • It is process of joining of non – metal or metal by heating them up to melting point.

Resistance Welding

Describe the principle of Resistance welding.

Principle of resistance heating

  • It is process of joining two metals by het produced due to the resistance offered to the flow of current at the junction of two metals.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the resistance welding.


  • No need of filler material
  • Comparatively less skill person requires
  • Less maintenance
  • Welding process is rapid
  • Application for mass production


  • High initial cost
  • High maintenance cost
  • High input current requires for thicker work piece

Describe the different types of resistance welding.

Types of resistance welding

  • Spot welding
  • Seam welding
  • Projection welding
  • Butt welding

Spot Welding

How the Spot welding is done?

Spot welding

  • The two metal sheets are joined by spot welding. 
  • It is a thermo – electric process in which heat is generated at the interface of the part to be joined by electrical current passing through them.  
  • It is done by fusing two metal sheets together between copper electrode tips at suitable interval by means of heavy current passed through electrodes.

Why the spot welding is called as resistance spot welding?

Spot welding

  • The spot welding is called as resistance sport welding because the resistance of the work pieces and electrodes are used in combination to generate heat at their interface.

Which types materials electrodes are used in the spot welding?

  • Water cooled copper or copper alloy

What should be voltage and current range of spot welding?

  • The welding current depends upon the thickness of the metal. 
  • However, the range of the welding current lies between 1000 amp to 10,000 amp and voltage between electrodes is approximately 2.0 V.

State the applications of the spot welding.


  • Automatic process work
  • Joining of metal sheets
  • Joining of automobile parts
  • High volume repeatable manufacturing

Describe the advantages of the spot welding.

Advantages of spot welding

  • Reliable electro – mechanical joint
  • Short process time
  • Operator safety due to low operating voltage
  • Environment friendly
  • No consumable welding rods

Seam Welding

Explain the term : Seam welding

Seam welding

  • It is series of continuous spot welding. 
  • It is a process of continuous spot welds by using roller or wheel type electrodes.

Describe the different types of seam welding.    

Types of seam welding

  • Intermittent motion seam welding
  • Continuous motion seam welding

Which types of electrodes used in the seam welding?

  • Roller or wheel type

Describe the different types of seam joints?       

Types of seam joints

  • Butt seam weld
  • Lap seam weld

Function of interrupter

Whether is it possible for continuous weld by the seam welding?


Describe the function of the interrupter in the seam welding.

Function of interrupter

  • It is not possible continuous weld by the seam welding because high heat causes burning and wrapping of metal piece. 
  • The function of the interrupter is to provide supply for some time and after it turns off. 
  • This cycle continues for welding process.


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