

Types of Buses in Load Flow Analysis

In this article, detail study of PV bus, load bus and slack bus is given in the power system. There are mainly three types of buses in the study of load flow analysis.

Types of Buses

PV Bus or Generator bus

  • It is also called as PV bus. 
  • The voltage magnitude and active power at this bus are specified. 
  • The reactive power and phase angle δ of the voltage are to be computed.

Load bus or PQ bus

  • This bus is called as PQ bus. 
  • The active power and reactive power are specified at this bus. 
  • The magnitude of voltage and phase angle are to be computed at this bus.

Slack bus ( Swing bus / Reference bus )

  •  One bus is chosen as swing bus or reference bus in the generation buses.
  •  The magnitude and phase angle of the voltage are specified at this bus.
  •  The phase angle of the voltage is set to be zero. 
  • The active and reactive power to be computer at this bus. 
  • The concept of swing bus is fictitious because I2R losses of the system are not known advance for the load flow studies.
  • If the slack bus is not specified, generation bus usually with maximum active power P is taken as reference bus.

Types of buses

Specified Quantities

Unknown Quantities

PV Bus

P and ǀ V ǀ

Q and δ

PQ Bus

P and Q

ǀ V ǀ and δ

Reference bus

ǀ V ǀ and δ

P and Q


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