

Electrical Potential & Potential Difference

Electrical potential

  • It is defined as the work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to a particular point in the electric field.

      Electric field = work done / Electric charge

  • The unit of work done is joule and charge is coulomb. 
  • The unit of electrical potential is joule per coulomb.
  • One volt = one joule per coulomb

Potential difference

  • The electric potential difference between any two point A and B in an electrical field is equal to work done to move a unit positive charge from point A to point B against the electric force due to electric field.
  • Potential difference = Work done / Charge
  • If the potential at point A is VA and that of potential of point B is VB, the potential difference between point A and B

       = Potential of final point B – Potential of initial point A

       = VB – VA

       = W / Q

  • Let VB – VA = V

Unit of Potential difference

  • The SI unit of potential difference is volt or Joule per Coulomb.

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