
All day Efficiency



  • The performance of the Distribution Transformer cannot be judged by ordinary efficiency. 
  • As the primary winding of the transformer is energized throughout the day ( 24 hours ) , iron loss occurs continuously whether the transformer is loaded or unloaded. 
  • The copper loss occurs only when the transformer is loaded therefore the distribution transformer is designed such that the core losses are very small. 
  • The performance of such transformers can accurately judge by following equation.

All day efficiency  = Output in ( kWh ) / Input in ( kWh )

  • Although the all day efficiency depends on kWh not in kW, its value depends upon load cycle     ( from hour to hour ) during the day. 
  • The all day efficiency is always is less the ordinary efficiency because the distribution transformer does not supply rated load throughout the day.


Find out all-day efficiency of 600 kVA transformer having core loss and full load copper losses are 3 kW and 4 kW. The transformer is loaded as shown below during the day.


Power factor

Hours during day

450 kW



400 kW



300 kW



No load


Rest of the day



Data given

600 kVA transformer

Wi = 3 kW

Wcu = 4 kW

To find out

All day efficiency = ?

Output Energy = kW1 h1 + kW2 h2 + kW3 h3

                        = (450 × 5) + (400 × 6) + (300 × 6)

                        = 6450 kWh

Iron losses throughout the day = 3 × 24 = 72 kWh

The copper loss varies as the square of the load kVA therefore

kVA1 = kW1 / Cos Φ1

           = 450 / 0.8

           = 562.5

kVA2 = kW2 / Cos Φ2

          = 400 / 1

          = 400

kVA3 = kW3 / Cos Φ3

          = 300 / 0.5

          = 600

Copper losses throughout the day

= {[ kVA1 / kVA ]2 × Wc × h1}

    +{ [ kVA2 / kVA ]2 × Wc × h2 }

    +{ [ kVA3 / kVA ]2 × Wc × h3 }

= { [ 562.5 / 600 ]2 × 4 × 5 } + { [ 400 / 600 ]2 × 4 × 6 } + { [ 600 / 600 ]2 × 4 × 6 }

=52.25 kWh

All day efficiency = { Output energy ( 24 hours ) / Input energy ( 24 hours ) } × 100%

= { Output energy /  [ Output energy + Iron losses + Copper losses ] }× 100%

= 6450 / [ 6450 + 52.25 + 72 }× 100%

= 98.10%

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