

Function of Booster Transformer

  • The main function of the booster transformer is to compensate voltage drop in the feeder when feeder is very far away from it.
  • The secondary winding of the booster transformer is connected in series with the line whereas the primary winding of the booster transformer is supplied through secondary of the regulating transformer.
  • The secondary winding of the regulating transformer is adjusted such that the booster transformer secondary voltage is in phase with the feeder voltage.


     Voltage V1 + Booster voltage = Voltage V2

  • The magnitude of the feeder voltage can be regulated by adjusting tapping on the secondary side of the regulating transformer. 
  • The rating of the booster transformer is only fraction to that of main transformer.

Rating of single phase booster transformer

= ( Line current × Boost voltage / 1000 ) kVA

Rating of three phase booster transformer

= ( √3 × Line current × Boost voltage / 1000 ) kV

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