

Shift Register Interview Question Answer - 2

Shift Registers Questions

In this post, some of the important questions of shift registers are given. It includes dynamic registers, write/re-circulate control, dynamic MOS, advantages and disadvantages of MOS, writing and reading in register, applications of shift registers, time delay in shift registers, data transfer in serial form or parallel form, types of ring counter, full form of UART, function of UART and meaning of SRG8.

Dynamic Registers

Why the dynamic registers are more popular than the static registers?

Dynamic registers

As the data transmission in the serial form in the dynamic registers, they are slow. The dynamic registers are used where compact size and small power consumption rather than speed is main consideration.

Describe the function of write / re – circulate control in the shift register. 

Write / Re – circulate control

The write / re – circulate control in the shift register is used to check whether new serial data is loaded in the register or existing data is re – circuited or stored in the register.

Dynamic MOS Registers

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic MOS registers.



Small power consumption

Large numbers of stages are fabricated on single IC.      


Data must be transfer in serial form which is slower than the parallel form.

Explain the meaning of writing and reading in a register.


  • The loading data in the register is called as writing.


  • The output taken from the register is called as reading.

Describe the applications of the shift registers.

Applications of the shift registers

  • Series / parallel data conversion
  • Time delay applications
  • Ring counter
  • Mathematics operation

How the time delay is controlled in the shift registers?

Control of time delay

  • The time delay in the shift register is controlled by adjusting the clock frequency and number of stages in the register. 
  • The clock frequency is fixed actually therefore the time delay is controlled by number of stages.

Describe the function of Non-inverting at the CLK terminal in the shift register.

  • The Non-inverting at the CLK terminal indicates bits are shifted synchronously on the leading edge of the clock.

Describe the importance of transfer data in serial form or parallel form.

Data transmission in serial form

  • When the large data is to be transmitted over long distance, the data transmission is very costly and uneconomical in the parallel form therefore the data transfer is done by serial form in just one line.

Data transmission in parallel form

  • The processing and transfer of data is done much faster speed in the parallel form than the series form.
  • When the speed is importance, the data transfer through parallel form.


What is meaning of the SRG8?


  • The IEEE format to present shift register is SRGn (where n indicates number of bits). Therefore, the SRG8 indicates 8 bits shift register.

Ring Counter

Describe the different types of ring counter.

Types of ring counter

  • Basic ring counter and
  • Johnson counter

How to construct the ring counter and Johnson counter by using shift register?

Ring counter

  • The ring counter is constructed by connecting output of the last flip flop of the serial in serial out shift register to the input D of the first flip flop.

Johnson counter

  • The Johnson counter is constructed by connecting the inverted output of the last flip flop of the shift register to the D input of the first flip flop.


Write the full form of UART.


  • Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter

Describe the function of UART.

Function of the UART

  • It is an interfacing device which communicates with external devices that send / receive serial data.

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