

Shift Register Interview Question Answer - 1

Explain the term : Single bit register and register

Single bit register

It is a flip flop which can store only one bit of data i.e. either 1 or 0.


It is a set of flip flops which is used to store binary data.

How data is transferred in the shift register?

Data Transfer through Shift register

The data can be transferred in the shift register in the serial form or parallel form. There is only one bit of data can be transferred from one device to another device at a time in the serial form whereas all bits of data can be transferred simultaneously from one device to another in the parallel form.

Describe the difference between shift register and counter.

Shift register

It is used for storage and transfer of digital data.

It has no specific sequence of states.


It has specific sequence of states.

Describe the function of shift register.

The function of the shift register is to store binary words.

Explain the term : Loading of register

Loading of register

The loading of register means setting or resetting of individual flip flop.

Which is the simplest type of register?

Buffer register

Describe the methods of data transfer from the input to the output in the shift register.

Data Transfer in the shift register

Serial in serial out

Parallel in parallel out

Serial in parallel out

Parallel in serial out

Describe the meaning of SH and LD at the input of the shift register?

SH and LD

The input signal SH ( shift ) and LD ( load ) allows the data is entered parallel form into the register and data to be shifted out serially from output terminal Q.

Which type of flip flop is used in the shift register in order to avoid timing problems?

The edge triggered or master slave flip flop is used in order to avoid timing problems in the shift register.

Explain the term : Bi – directional shift register

Bi – directional shift register

It is a shift register in which the data bits can be shifted either left to right or right to left.

What is universal shift register?

Universal shift register

It is a bi – directional shift register in which the input as well as the output can be either in serial form or parallel form.

At which condition the data bit do not shift in the universal shift register?

The data bits do not shift in the universal shift register when the both master control inputs are either LOW or HIGH.

What is Dynamic shift register?

Dynamic shift register

It is a shift register in which the shifting of bits from one stage to the next stage and the output of the last stage to the first stage circulate through register under a control of clock pulse.

Describe the main difference between static and dynamic shift register.

Static shift register

It is a register in which the data bit loaded once, the contents of the each element in the register remains the same.

Dynamic shift register

It is a shift register in which the shifting of bits from one stage to the next stage and the output of the last stage to the first stage circulate through register under a control of clock pulse.

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