

Batteries Interview Question Answer - 2

Why some voltage drop occurs in the cell?

The voltage drop occurs in the cell due to the resistance of the electrodes, electrolyte and contact resistance between electrolyte and electrodes.

Why it must be necessary to keep emf of all cells are equal when they are connected in parallel?

If the emf of the cells is not equal, circulating current flows which will cause unequal loading on the cells.

How the individual cells are connected in order to achieve higher voltage, higher rating cell is required?

Cells connection
  • The cells are connected in the mixed grouping in order to achieve higher voltage, higher current rating.
  • There are few cells connected in series in branch and such branches are connected in parallel in this method.

Explain the following terms : Ampere hour capacity and Watt hour capacity

Ampere hour capacity
  • The ratio of the output ampere hour during discharging to the input ampere – hours during charging of cell is called as ampere-hour capacity.

Watt hour capacity
  • The ratio of the output watt-hours during discharging to the input watt – hours during charging is called as watt – hour capacity of the cell.

State the different methods used for charging batteries.

The followings are the methods used for charging batteries:
  • Constant voltage charging
  • Constant current charging

Explain the following terms : Boosting charging , Float charging and Trickle charging.

Boosting charging
  • When the charging of cell is done at high current rate, it is called as boosting charging.

Float charging
  • The cell is charged and discharged simultaneously in the railway compartments. This is called as float charging.

Trickle charging
  • When the charging of cell is done at continuous low current rate, it is called as trickle charging.

What is meaning of gassing in the cell?

  • The hydrogen at the cathode and oxygen at the anode terminal produces after fully charging of the cell. This process is called as gassing.

State the Faraday’s law of electrolysis.

Faraday’s first law
  • It states that the mass of iron liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passed through it.

Faraday’s second law
  • It states that when the same quantity of electricity is passed through several substances, the mass of substance deposited on its directly proportional to chemical equivalent weight.

State the unit of Electro chemical equivalent of the substance.

Unit of E.C.E.
  • According to Faraday’s first law

           m α Q
           m = ZQ
  • Where Z is called as electro chemical equivalent
  • The unit of Z is mg / coulomb

Define : Electro chemical equivalent

Electro chemical equivalent
  • It is defined as the mass of ions liberated by the passage of one ampere current for one second ( or passage of one coulomb charge ) through electrolyte.

·        Z = m / Q

On which parameter the electro chemical equivalent of the substance depends?

Electro – chemical equivalent
  • The Electro chemical equivalent of any substance depends upon the atomic weight, valency of an ion and Faraday’s constant.

Explain the term : Faraday’s constant

Faraday’s constant
  • It is defined as the charge required for liberating one gram equivalent of substance.

  • It is ratio of the chemical equivalent to electrochemical equivalent of a substance. It is equal to 96,500 coulomb.

Define : Chemical equivalent

Chemical equivalent
  • It is defined as the ratio of atomic weight to the valency of substance.

State the unit of Faraday’s constant.

The unit of Faraday’s constant is coulomb.

Explain the term : Back emf or Polarization

Back emf
  • It is opposing emf produced in an electrolyte due to absorption of gaseous ions by the electrolyte from electrodes.

Define : Decompose voltage

Decompose voltage
  • It is defined as the minimum voltage requires decomposing an electrolyte.

Which electrode potential is taken as reference potential for calculating potential of an electrode?

Hydrogen electrode

Write the full form of SLI batteries.

The SLI stands for starting, lighting and ignition batteries.

Which are the main parts of any cell?

Parts of cell
  • Positive plate
  • Negative plate
  • Separator
  • Electrolyte

Classify the different types of cell.

Types of cell
  • Automotive or SLI cell
  • Vehicle traction cell
  • Stationary cell

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