

Basic of Digital Electronics Interview Question Answer - 2

Define : Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

·       It is a logic circuit which accepts several data inputs and allows only one of them at the output.
De – multiplexer
·       It is inverse process of Multiplexer.
·       It is a logic circuit which accepts one data input and allows several data at the output.

Explain the term : Comparator

·       It is a logic circuit that compares two input quantities and generates a specific output quantity.

Describe the function of code converter

Function of code converter
·       The function of the code converter is to converts information coded in one form into other form.

Describe the function of counter

Function of counter
·       The function of the counter is to count number of input pulses. It can also perform frequency division.

Describe the function of register.

·       They are digital circuits used for temporary storage and shifting of data. They are made of flip flops.

Which are the methods for transmission of data in the digital circuits?

Data transmission
·       There are two methods of data transmission : Parallel and Serial

How the Parallel and Serial data transmission distinguish each other?

Parallel data transmission
·       All the bits are transmitted simultaneously.
·       Faster data transmission
·       Data transmission costly
·       Numbers of lines requires between transmitter and receiver are more
Serial data transmission
·       All the bits are transmitted bit – by – bit.
·       Only one line requires between transmitter and receiver
·       Data transmission simple, cheaper
·       Slower data transmission

Explain the term : Substrate or Chip

·       It is a single piece of semiconductor material.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of integrated circuits ( ICs )

Advantages of ICs
·       Low power requirement
·       Low cost
·       Small size
·       Higher reliability
Disadvantages of ICs
·       Cannot handle large voltage or current
·       The electrical equipments like transformers, large capacitor, inductors and precision resistors does not implements in the IC.

Compare linear ( Analog ) ICs and digital ICs

Analog ICs
·       The operation of the analog ICs depends upon external components.
Digital ICs
·       It is a collection of resistors, diodes, transistors and other semiconductor devices on single chip.
·       The operation of the digital ICs not depends on external components.
·       The output is obtained if the input is given. The output may be logic 0 or 1.
Explain the term : Microprocessor

·       It is a LSI / VLSI device which can be programmed to perform various arithmetic and logic function and processing of data.

What is meaning of architecture of Microprocessor.

·       It is defined as an arrangement of circuits within the Microprocessor.

Explain the term : Bus in the Microprocessor

·       It is defined as the interconnection or paths of single flow.

Explain the term : Program

·       It is defined as set of instruction which computer has to be performing.

Explain the term : Micro computer, Minicomputer and Main frame

Micro computer
·       They are the smallest type of computer which consists of several IC chip including memory chips, microprocessor chip, input – output interface chip, keyboard, video display etc.

·       The size of minicomputers is larger than the microcomputers.
·       They are used in research laboratories, industrial control system etc.
·       They are faster than the micro computer.
·       They have also more processing capabilities than the microcomputers.

·       They are the largest computer.
·       They include magnetic disk units, card punchers and readers, keyboards, printers etc.
·       They are generally used in the engineering problems, data oriented business.

What is meaning of Package in the IC?

·       The digital IC is enclosed in ceramic package or protective plastic from which pins are extended for connection ICs to other device. 
·       There are two types of packages ( 1 ) Flat package and ( 2 ) Dual in line package ( DIP ).

Explain the terms : SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI, ULSI

Small scale integration ( SSI )
·       Less than 12 gates on a single chip
·       Logic gates and flip flops
Medium scale integration ( MSI )
·       Numbers of gates are 12 to 99 on a single chip
·       Decoders, encodes, flip-flops, registers, multiplexers
Large scale integration ( LSI )
·       Numbers of gates are 100 to 99,999 on a single chip
·       Small microprocessors and memories
Very large scale integration ( VLSI )
·       Numbers of gates are 10,000 to 99,999 on a single chip
·       Large microprocessors and memories
Ultra large scale integration ( ULSI )
·       More than 1,00,000  gates on a single chip
·       Large microprocessors and memories

Which logic families are used for fabrication of digital ICs?

The digital ICs are fabricated using ECL, TTL, IIL, MOS and CMOS technologies.

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