

What is Darlington Transistor?

Darlington Transistor ( Darlington Amplifier )
  • When two transistors are connected in the series in the Emitter follower configuration, it is called as Darlington Transistor.

Connection of two transistors
  • The emitter of the first transistor is connected to base of the second transistor and collector of the both transistors is connected together.
  • The emitter current of the first transistor is the base current of the second transistor.  
  • The current gain of the both transistor is equal to

        β = β1β2
       β = Combined current gain of both transistor
       β1 = Current gain of first transistor
       β1 = Current gain of second transistor

There are only three terminals of the Darlington transistor

Why Darlington transistor?
  • When high current gain and high input impedance requires, the Darlington transistor is used.

Important features
  • High input impedance
  • High current gain
  • Low output impedance

  • They are used in the applications where high input impedance and low output impedance as well as high current gain requires.

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