

National Power Training Institute For Engg


  • The national power training institute is a national apex body for training in the power sector and industries manufacturing the power components.
  •  The NPTI organizes short term courses/ long term courses, simulators, online courses, wokshops and conferences for the field of power sector and its relavant field. 
  • Recently they started training program for system operators to prepare work force of Renewable energy by NPTO , POSOCO, and GIZ Germany.
  • They also started training program on Hydro power generation with upcoming renewable energy mix : design, operation, economic evaluation, energy market with bidding mechanism in open access and prevailing rule and upcoming regulations in legal frameworks.
  • They conduct skill development programs in the areas of Renewable energy source, smart grid, smart village development, decentralized generation and distribution, programs on regulatory framework and commercial aspects, demand side management and energy efficiency, solar PV, solar roof top, biomass energy, wind energy technology etc.

Key Features

  • They have 500 MW Thermal Power Training Simulator at Faridabad Institute and 210 MW Thermal Power Training Simulator at Nagpur institute. 
  • They have Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Repice Simulator has commissioned at NPTI Corporate office, Faridabad. 
  • They have highly fidelity load dispatch operator simulator for national grid ( shortly installed at PSTI, Banglore )

Training centres

( 1 ) North region
  • NPTI corporate office, Faridabad
  • NPTI, Badarpur
  • NPTI ( Hydro power training centre ) , Nangal
( 2 ) Southern region
  • NPTI  ( Power System training Institute ) , Banglore
  • NPTI ( Hot Line Training Centre ), Banglore
  • NPTI ( Southern Region ), Neyveli
( 3 ) Eastern and North – Eastern Region
  • NPTI ( Eastern Region ),  Durgapur 
  • NPTI ( North Eastern Region ), Guwahati
( 4 ) Western Region
  • NPTI ( Western Region ) , Nagpur

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