

Diversity Factor For Domestic Load As Per NEC ( INDIA )

Maximum Demand and Diversity Factor for domestic load as per National Electrical Code is given here.
  • The maximum demand is calculated by considering diversity factor of the load. 
  • There are many factors to be considered which calculated maximum demand, however its actual value is considered by knowledge and experience.

Diversity factor

Types of load at final circuit
House hold installations
Small shop, offices and building  premises
Small hotels, boarding houses
Lighting load
66% of the total current demand
75% of the total current demand
85% of the total current demand
Heating and Power
100 % of total current up to 10 Amp
100% of full load current for largest appliances
100% of full load current for largest appliances

+ 50% of current if current demand exceed 10 A
+ 75% for remaining appliances
+ 80% for second largest appliances

+ 60% for remaining appliances
Cooking Appliances
10 A
100% of full load current of largest appliance
100% of full load current of largest appliance

+ 30% of full load current in excess of 10 Amp + 6 Amp if socket outlet is also considered
+ 80% of full load of second largest appliance
+ 80% of full load of second largest appliance

+ 60% of full load of remaining appliances
+ 60% of full load of remaining appliances

100% of full load current of largest appliance
100% of full load current of largest motor

+ 80% of full load of second largest appliance
+ 80% of full load of second largest motor

+ 60% of full load of remaining appliances
+ 50% of full load of remaining motors
Water Heater
100% of full load current of largest appliance
100% of full load current of largest appliance
100% of full load current of largest appliance

+ 100% full load current of second largest appliance
+ 100% full load current of second largest appliance
+ 100% full load current of second largest appliance

+ 25% of full load of remaining appliances
+ 25% of full load of remaining appliances
+ 25% of full load of remaining appliances
Final arrangement
100% current demand of largest point
100% current demand of largest point
100% current demand of largest point

+ 40% current demand of every other point
+ 75% of current demand of every other point
+ 75% of current demand of every point in main rooms

+ 40% of current demand of every other points

  • The estimation of maximum demand for domestic installation is carried out as below ( Only for single tariff )

Connected load
Approximately maximum demand
Lighting load
66% of installed load
Heating appliances
100% of first 10 A

+ 50% of excess of 10 A
General socket outlet
100% current demand of largest socket

+ 40% current demand of other socket
If any cooking appliances
10 A

+ 30% current demand of remaining connected appliances

+ 6 A for socket outlet

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