

Voltage Regulation of the Transformer

  • When the secondary of the transformer is not loaded, the secondary terminal voltage 0V2 is equal to secondary induced emf E2.

        E2 = V2 + I2 ( R2 + jX2 )

        E2 = 0V2  ( At no load I2 = 0 )

Voltage Regulation
  • The voltage regulation is defined as the change in terminal voltage from no load to full load. 
  • The percentage voltage regulation is defined as

       % Voltage regulation ( Down ) = [ ( 0V2 – V2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100%
       % Voltage regulation ( Up ) = [ ( 0V2 – V2 ) / V2 ] × 100%
  • The regulation is always taken as negative if anything not specify.

Equation of voltage regulation

OA = Secondary terminal voltage V2 is taken as reference
AE = Voltage drop I2R02
EF = Voltage drop I2X02
AF = Impedance drop I2Z02
OF = No load voltage 0V2
Taking O as Center and OF as radius and draw an arc which cut the horizontal axis at point D. Obviously
     = OA + AB + BC + CD
      = OA + AB + BC ( As CD is very small )
Now in triangular ABC
  • AB = I2R02 Cos F2

Similarly in triangular EFG
  • EG = I2X02 Sin F2
  • BC = EG = I2X02 Sin F2

From equation AF = OA + AB + BC
0V2 = V2 + I2R02 Cos F2 + I2X02 Sin F2 
0V2 – V2 = I2R02 Cos F2 + I2X02 Sin F2

  • This equation indicates approximate voltage drop in the transformer winding at a given load condition. Simple the equation

[ 0V2 – V2 / 0V2 ] = [( I2R02 Cos F2 + I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100%
% Voltage regulation =

                 [( I2R02 Cos F2 + I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100%

Vector Diagram for leading power factor

The vector diagram for leading power factor is shown in the Figure B. 

      ≈ OE
      = OF – EF
      = ( OA + AF ) – EF
In triangular ABF 
  • AF = I2R02 Cos F2

In triangular GBC
  • BG = EF = I2X02 Sin F2
  • OC = ( OA + AF ) – EF
  • 0V2 = V2 + I2R02 Cos F2 – I2X02 Sin F2
  • 0V2 – V2 = [( I2R02 Cos F2 – I2X02 Sin F2 )
  • ( 0V2 – V2 / 0V2 ) = [( I2R02 Cos F2 – I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100% 

% Voltage regulation =

                 [( I2R02 Cos F2 – I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100% 

Vector Diagram for unity power factor
% Voltage regulation 
             = [ I1R01 Cos F2  / 0V2 ] × 100%

             = [ I1R01 / 0V2 ] × 100%  ( As Cos F2 = 1 )

General equation for voltage regulation
= [( I2R02 Cos F2 ± I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100%
   + Sign for lagging power factor and
   – Sign for leading power factor
If the value of R01, X01 and I1 is known
% Voltage regulation =
                 [( I1R01 Cos F2 – I1X01 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ] × 100%
Describe the significance of voltage regulation?

  • The voltage regulation indicates percentage voltage drop in the transformer winding at given load condition. 
  • Lesser the voltage regulation better transformer and vice versa. 
  • Let the transformer A and transformer B has voltage regulation 5% and 8% respectively. Which transformer is better? The transformer A is better than transformer B.
Which parameters greatly affect the voltage regulation of the transformer?
  • The voltage regulation of the transformer depends upon resistance and reactance of the winding ( R1, R2, X1 and X2 ), load current and power factor of the load.

Describe the condition for maximum voltage regulation at lagging power factor?
 Voltage regulation =
                 [( I2R02 Cos F2 + I2X02 Sin F2 ) / 0V2 ]
Maximum voltage regulation occurs when
d ( V.R. ) / dF2 = 0
    ( I2R02 / 0V2 )( – Sin F2 ) + ( I2X02 )( Cos F2 ) = 0
    – R02 Sin F2 + X02 Cos F2 = 0
     tan F2 = X02 / R02
          F2 = tan –1 [ X02 / R02 ]
               = tan –1 [( I2X02 / 0V2 ) / ( I2X02 / 0V2 )]
               = tan –1 [( % Reactance drop ) / ( % Resistance drop )]
               = ………………….

  • Power factor at which voltage regulation becomes maximum = Cos F2

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