

EMF Equation of the Single Phase Transformer

EMF Equation
  • When an alternating voltage V1 is applied to the transformer primary side, an alternating flux will set up in the core which links both primary and secondary winding.  
  • This will result in self induced emf ( E1 ) sets up in the transformer primary winding and mutually induced emf ( E2 ) sets up in the secondary winding.

N1 = Primary winding turns
N2 = Secondary winding turns
Фm = Maximum flux in the core ( Weber )
      = Bm × Ai
Bm = Maximum flux density in the core ( Weber / meter2 )
Ai = Core area ( Meter2 )
F = Frequency of alternating supply ( Hz )
  • An alternating flux increases from zero to positive maximum in the one fourth of a cycle i.e. T/4 second
  • According to Faraday’s law of electro – magnetic induction, the magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to rate of change of flux linkages.

       E α  d ( NФm ) / dt
          α N ( dФm ) / dt
m = Flux linkages
m = Change in flux
    dt = Change in time

  • Therefore the average value of induced emf per turn is given by

        E = ( Фm – 0 ) / ( T / 4 )
           = 4f Фm
  • As the flux varies sinusoidally, the induced emf will be sinusoidal.
  • Form factor = RMS Value / Average Value

                           = 1.11 ……………………( 1 )
( The value of form factor is 1.11 only for sinusoidal waveform )
RMS value of induced emf per turn = Form factor × Average emf
        = 1.11 × 4f Фm
       = 4.44f Фm ……….….….( 2 )
RMS value of induced emf in the transformer primary winding
E1 = 4.44f Фm× N1
     = 4.44f N1Фm……….…..( 3 )
Similarly the RMS value of induced emf in the transformer secondary winding
E2 = 4.44f Фm× N2
     = 4.44f N2Фm……………( 4 )
As we know that Фm = Bm × Ai
E1 = 4.44f BmAiN1………….( 5 )
E2 = 4.44f BmAiN2………….( 6 )
From equation ( 5 ) and ( 6 )
E1 / E2 = N1 / N2…………..( 7 )
E1 / N1 = E2 / N2 = 4.44f BmAi ………( 8 )
Equation ( 8 ) indicates that the induced emf per turn is same in both primary and secondary winding.
No Load Condition
Under no load condition in the ideal transformer
V1 = E1 and
V2 = E2
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